Final Whirlwind (Part 3)
The Great Quantum Transition
By Lev
Yes, in California events took part several forces, each with their own goals. Which ones? And who were the participants?
Recall that during the entire century, Hollywood served as an effective tool for manipulating humanity through films, most of which lower consciousness to the lowest, animal state. At these frequencies, a person ceases to belong to himself, becomes manageable, and easily succumbs to any external influences, informational, psychological, and energetic.
The California’s elite, affected by the fire hell, belongs to diverse levels of the Power Pyramid. Almost everyone in the entertainment industry is deeply involved in Satanic practices, ritual sacrifice and harassment, pedophilia and adrenochrome, participated in underground laboratories for species crossing and cloning, Blue Ray and MK-Ultra projects, and much more. This led to the accumulation of a huge negative layer, poisoning everything and everyone on the physical and Subtle Planes. Sooner or later, the burgeoning karmic abscess had to be erased.
But if one Hierarchy burned out the infection with fire, then the other hastily destroyed the evidence of own crimes. They are different in severity on each floor of the Power Pyramid. At its base, actors, musicians, screenwriters and directors are more inclined to obey their bosses in hope for the next contract, money, publicity and glamour life. They are maximally promoted in society, always in plain sight, so are very convenient to distract the public from the most important issues and events.
Higher, stay producers and studio directors who serve as communicators between those who are above them and below. They regard the base of Pyramid solely as consumables. If a producer confuses the shores or overgreedy and constantly covets someone else’s, he can quickly be publicly flogged, ruined or imprisoned, accused of sexual harassment (hello to P. Diddy and Harvey Weinstein).
The sanction for this is given by the next floor – the studio owners and the clans behind them, who, in turn, work for the upper Pyramid floor to keep and safeguard their own position. For them, money isn’t the first goal, only a means, because any time they have access to the greenbacks’ printing machine just by one handshaking. On that level, there are also public figures – presidents, prime ministers, politicians, royals, churchmen, aristocrats, and business oligarchs. All of them serve as shields and lightning rods for the higher tiers and play a purely subordinate role with a limited range of responsibilities and capabilities.
An open info about their masters, the Gray and Dark rulers, is scarcest. Any leaks, even small, is meticulously tracing, thoroughly wiping out and retaliated. As firewalls, widely are used the mix of truth and deception, conspiracy theories and fake whistleblowers, invented life stories and misleading investigations and much more. Those who dig too deeply and have a long tongue quickly pass into nothingness.
Dark and Gray puppeteers and their shadow global government (GG) also have pyramidal hierarchy, branches in every country and as well are bending to will of their high-ups. From the times of the Third Atlantis, GG is torn apart by different takings and ideas, goals and philosophies, strategies and steering policy. To oversimplify, it all boils down to one thing: how to rule – a democracy or a dictatorship? Below are the Committee of 300, power sub families and various think tanks. With GG tightly tied the behind-the-scene’s tops of the main countries, Vatican, TNCs, TNBs and Funds that are focused on territories, resources and new run tools, especially AI and techno-magic.
Over GG are hierophants’ loges, united in five brotherhoods, symbolized by five Olympic circles (originally, they didn’t mark the continents). Avoiding karmic responsibility, GG provides five energies for them, generated by three lowest floors’ “inhabitants”, their hands, brains and vitality. The Pyramid’s peak is also multi-layered up to the Global Predictor.
Such is briefly the Power Pyramid with more than 100 levels, which is continuation of its giant copy on the astral and ether planes (see – Turmoil, Part 2, DNI, 20 January 2025). They are still run by Dracos, Repts, Insectoids and other Dark and Gray space races that feed on the human’s gavvah (aka louche, energy of pain, suffering and dying) and don’t want to unhook from that eternal source of their life force.
It was them who taught the elite (not only in California) to get the adrenochrome from tortured tots and kids, consume their blood and bodies in different ways, hybridization and cloning, masses’ mind and behavioral control, manipulate the States and rule over the planet as proxies of the Dark cosmic alliance. Today, it’s losing the power on Earth, but still hopes for something. However, the more powerful forces counter them – the Pleroma’s Supreme Hierarchs, Co-Creators, Galactic Committee and a lot of the Light space races. And California became another battle field between the two poles. What had ignited it?
In the late autumn 2024, the Reptilian Global Predictor (about him, see – Two Tori, DNI, 10 November 2024) got info and sent it down Power Pyramid that the accumulated negativity on the Subtle Plane above California, Texas, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, at any moment, can cause the enormous blast due to the ruptured Earth’s energy balance. To save the Power Pyramid, it was decided to sacrifice those on its first three floors. Their death, it was hoped, would divert danger from the higher levels and help destroy evidence of crimes.
On 7 January 2025, on command, from the orbit and surface, Darks brought a fiery avalanche on California, using DEW and the local rickburners. Immediately, Co-Creators and Galacom stepped in. They quickly spotted that Dracos and Repts act selectively to keep safe their most precious data centers, laboratories and other facilities. To erase them, Galacom applied elementals of air and fire from the Doomsday Protocol in sync with new powerful quantum streams that started coming on Earth on 21 December 2024 during solstice.
In the US, the events were taken differently. For majority, it was a tragedy. Others took it with enthusiasm as a chance to fry eggs on the arsons: to grab land after insurance companies cancelled a compensation for damage by fire, made in advance. Destroy compromising info stored in many Hollywood homes, a vast network of child trafficking tunnels beneath Hollywood, places for torture and bloody rituals. To cause havoc and harvest the suffering of thousands of families, which had nothing to do with the elite.
During all these days, developments were monitored by drones hovering above California and other states. Some of them belonged to Galacom to warn Darks not to try more insanity, including nuclear provocations that they weighed at the end of the Biden Administration’s term. That is why there were so many orbs over the East Coast (New York, New Jersey), because the crime was originally prepared there.
Other drones were owned by the US Government and the Secret Space Program to spy on Galacom involvement, but couldn’t do more. It was like chasing hyperspace fighters on horseback, trying to shoot them down with spears and stone axes. More advanced were the drones of the Dark space races, which tried to oust their rivals, but quickly retreated, suffering heavy losses in collisions in low-Earth orbit.
Why hasn’t the Trump Administration made any announcements about this yet? Because it’s on the middle floor of the Power Pyramid and does not fully understand how to work with all this information, and what it will eventually lead to. Standing above, the ruling clans have long been trying to calculate all possible timelines using AI and remote vision, but in fact they are stalling. The problem is that the entire North America is covered with a dense layer of techno-magical defenses that blocks data collection, remote viewing and make assessments.
What are the lessons of all these events for us and for all mankind? We need to understand that this is all a real picture unfolding right now for billions of people. This is a global impulse to literally turn our consciousness upside down. Among other things, Galacom drones activate new DNA structures in sleeping Souls so that we can reach a new level of understanding of selves and the world around us. And most importantly, they prevent tectonic hazards due to the huge number of faults in the North American lithosphere.
Humanity as a whole and each of us are now faced with a choice: how to treat this situation, and what kind of reality to create for ourselves in the future. Today, the collective consciousness forms two timelines. One is supported by Co-Creators who are doing everything possible and impossible to awaken us to Transition into 5D and interact with friendly space races. So far, this cannot manifest itself in full force, because it is not accepted by the majority. Choice freedom is sacred in the Greater Cosmos.
On the second timeline, everything that happens leads to a collective suicide, in which MK-Ultra, Blue Beam, and other technologies have already been and will continue to be involved, leading to the death of a great country or a huge part of it. Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) clearly saw this doomsday and warned Americans about it more than once. Weighty evidence will be provided in abundance for both vectors, after which everyone will have to decide which one they want to stay in. Agreeing with this or that info, we switch from one vector to another. What to believe and which future to choose depends solely on us. What is going on now?
Powerful energy work is currently underway in space and in the bowels of Earth. There may be serious underground events – tremors, faults, natural disasters. Recall that up to 90% of earthquakes in the continental United States, including Alaska, are trigged by the foci in California and western Nevada. The high seismicity here is caused by the movement of the Pacific and North American plates, which are separated by the San Andreas Fault. Increased danger remains in the northeastern part of Washington State on the Pacific Coast.
The active tectonic zone stretches through Montana, Idaho, Wyoming and Utah, where numerous rifts affect earthquake epicenters. The central and eastern United States has high seismicity due to the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ) and other faults. There are two seismically active zones in the north-east of the country. One stretches along the St. Lawrence River Valley, and the other is in the coastal part of Massachusetts.
Living in such a fragile house, it is extremely dangerous to play with tectonic weapons in other countries (see – Final Whirlwind, Part 2, DN, 28 January 2025). This also applies to its older rival cousin, the Great Britain, where 200-300 quakes occur annually. The most active pockets are in Edinburgh, Gweek in Cornwall, Clackmannan in Scotland, Llyn Peninsula, Mansfield, Stoke-On-Trent, Manchester, Knoydart Peninsula and Dumfries, Blackpool.
While the UK is nowhere near in the same league as high seismicity areas such as California or NMSZ, it nevertheless has seismicity, sufficiently high to pose a potential hazard to sensitive installations such as dams and chemical plants. The magnitude of temblors ranged from 1.34 to 3.18 points on average, but in some years increased to M4.6 and M6.1 on the Richter scale. In addition, 1162 faults with some thrusts permeate the entire country. A real colander. Recently, two faults were discovered under London, which increase every year and extend almost under the entire capital. Richard Gale, an academic researcher from Cardiff University, warns that the possibility of a quake greater than M6.0 is very serious.
In neighboring Ireland, seismicity is much lower, as the lithosphere beneath it is much thicker and colder, and therefore stronger than the warm British one. This is the main reason why about 90 percent of all local earthquakes, including strong ones by local standards, M2.4, occur on the borders between two tectonic plates. Most of them occur in the south-east or north-west of the country, mainly around Donegal and Wexford, although the whole island is covered with many faults. One of the last occurred on 30 January 2025 about 560 km from Dublin.
Going back to California…By the air and fire elementals, Co-Creators cleared not only the astral and etheric planes above this territory, but also removed the holograms of the old, 3D world along with its programs. Galacom drones continue to literally assemble and weave a new energy field, purifying it from distortions. Point correction and reassembly are carried out at all levels and for all living Souls. In this region, there are a lot of bots, which will be removed from the planet. In place of the former abscess and gangrene in California, it is planned to create a clean creative space, if Co-Creators don’t have to use the Black Swan again.
By relieving tension on a Subtle Plane over this part of the United States, they prevented a major environmental disaster on the Atlantic coast and throughout the Western Hemisphere, which were severely destabilized by oil rigs. On 21 January 2025, using the power of the elementals of air and water, Co-Creators sent the strongest cleansing icy rain and snow storm to the south of the country, which stretched for 1.5 thousand kilometers and covered Texas, Florida, Alabama and Georgia. Three days later, another powerful storm was directed to the British Isles. Ireland got the most, where the wind speed reached 183 km/h on the coast and waves with a height of 10.4 meters rolled in, and Scotland. On 25 January, France, Spain and partly Italy were hit by the hurricane…
What’s next? Co-Creators hope that the so-called elite will adequately perceive these signals and they will not have to use an even more destructive earth elemental in the arsenal of their Doomsday Protocol. But the Black Swan remains on high alert in case all Darks go completely mad and have to be buried in magma at a depth of 150 kilometers by pinpointed earthquakes.
In 2025, there will be even more global events than we saw before. They will not be public, because developments on the Subtle Plane are not shown on TV (except for the northern lights, but these are only physical consequences). The changes will be felt in the minds, hearts, general well-being and eventfulness of everyone who listens to the voice of own Soul, the call signs of Earth and the high-frequency vibrations of the Greater Cosmos. If everything in our life is out of the ordinary, it’s a reason to think and change. If everything is going as planned, keep going.
Why do Co-Creators keep a lot of things secret? The reason is the timelines formed by the collective consciousness and the information exchange between them. This data is still closed to people. They must themselves accept certain layers of reality into their worldview, without being imposed by opinion or pressure. This is a global test of the adequacy of perception. We have to take and understand that the performances around us are not important. The most crucial are our perception and personal state, which are manifested in the surrounding world and frame it. This makes us the creators of our reality.
Many space races show an increased interest in Earth. Representatives of absolutely different and often incompatible civilizations flock to this Galactic spot to learn how to coexist on a single platform of evolution. By coming here, we learn together with them how to communicate with the energies, philosophies, and ideologies manifested through the human form, each of which has enormous development potential for this and other Local Universes.
By studying at the terrestrial school, we not only bring to our home worlds the skills of survival in extreme conditions, but also the experience of interacting with other types of consciousness, contact with which in other scenarios would be impossible or extremely difficult. And the entire Earth’s reality was created to realize that no parasitic system, no government, no predictor or president has a direct influence on a mature person living according to the laws of love and conscience, honor and the “do no harm” rule.
What about the constant crises, pandemics, and wars? Yes, all these things exist, and many will have to go through them, especially if it involves their karma, the lessons of the incarnation program. But they are absolutely not necessary when we take responsibility for our own lives and the surrounding reality, start CREATING, and not just lying on the couch and waiting for ETs to intervene.
The highest evolutionary meaning of the Earth School is to cultivate the will to self-organize consciousness and choose the reality in which each Soul is located with Source’s Spark. That is, we are. And either each of us chooses and creates his own reality, or others choose it for us, imposing their own information, theories, facts and events, and other tools of manipulation and subordination. This is a lesson on defining our own boundaries and capabilities.
It was, for example, during “mandatory vaccination”. Mandatory is not a synonym for “compulsory”, everyone still has their own choice. The term “mandatory” is used only to put pressure on the psyche. And everyone decides whether to accept the “inevitable” or realize that nothing is inevitable. The only question is the price we are willing to pay for our freedom in order not to end up together with Darks and Grays in the final whirlwind.
- God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
- All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
- My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.
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