More Are Awakening
One Who Serves and Shoshanna
Channel: James and JoAnna McConnell
Questionnaire Posted on January 25, 2025
Master OWS
Ohm mani padme hum, Ohm mani padme Hum, Ohm, Ohm,
Greetings to you, One Who Serves (OWS) here, Shoshanna is here, and we are ready to entertain your questions here, if you will.
And we use the term, we use the term purposely, entertain, because that is what this is all about. In a sense, entertainment, in a sense, enjoyment, that you can continue to move forward all the time, hearing what we have to say and incorporating what we have been telling you for quite some time.
And we know that it is getting in there, so to speak, that you are awakening to who you are, what you are able to do, and more and more of you are indeed awakening, and will continue to do so, because as you have heard, this is the great awakening that has been prophesied, has been foretold for so long a period of time, thousands of years even. And here you are now, right at the cusp of those miraculous changes to come forth.
We are ready for your questions, if you have them.
I have a question.
Master OWS
I like the message from Kara about being more visible next week. I’m just wondering why, he or she can’t or won’t tell us what to expect.
Master OWS
Dear brother, do you not like surprises? Do you not like to sit back and watch the movie play out rather than trying to ascertain what the movie is going to say? Just let it play out for yourself here. For it is going to do so. And you are going to be surprised, but not as much as many others will be. Think about this. You already have the eyes to see and the ears to hear,
although you do tend to block those ears sometimes and hide your eyes from the reality in a sense that is in front of you. But just let it go. Just let it be whatever it is. And let the surprise that awaits all of you. Let it just play out here. And you will find that it will bring great joy to all of you as these things that are coming begin to unfold more and more and more and more.
So just let it be. Go with the flow as the saying is.
Shoshanna, do you have anything you’re at here?
Master Shoshanna
No, not at this time
Master OWS
Very good.
Would there be other questions here?
Yes, I have a question.
There is a lot of suffering in Los Angeles right now with these massive fires. Can you give us some solace here? I grew up in Pacific Cal State. It is like an atomic bomb went off. We know it’s not natural fires. We know that there’s shenanigans from the top, governorship, and etc.
My question is, are these truths going to come out? So many people just think they’re natural wildfires. Are there going to be some heck to pay for these? Is the truth going to come out about this latest fire directed energy? Could you please help?
Master OWS
We will tell you that the truth is already coming out in many different ways and many different expressions from many different sources that is bringing what is actually occurring there to those that have not yet the eyes to see and the ears to hear, but are beginning to do so.
It is unstoppable at this point for the truth to not come out. Now, would everyone be seeing this as you see it? No. But it is coming more and more in that direction. That many more will begin to see the truth and hear the truth and believe the truth. So rest assured. Just continue to watch it as a movie. It is unfortunate, of course, that those that are involved in that movie and that what is not an illusion to them, is a really reality to them at this point. But know that they are there for a reason. They put themselves there for a reason. So they are part of the plan, whether it is a white hat operation or a dark hat operation or a combination of the two at this point matters not.
Just let it play out and know that there is a reason for everything that is happening at this point and will continue to happen. And again, know that the truth is coming forward from many different sources and many different directions here.
Shoshanna, do you have anything you want to hear?
Master Shoshanna
We need to not have another perspective on this, so we agree with you.
Very good, would there be other questions now?
Yes, I was wondering this week, how you folks in the higher realm see us? Because we put so much stock in our physical looks and everything else. But perhaps you only see us as light or perhaps you can see us both ways, but you usually see us as light and once while physical. I mean, how do you in the higher realm see us?
Master OWS
That is rather a difficult question here. We see you as you see you. That is what we would say here. It is not so much that, yes, we have an observer point of view
here, certainly. But we are you and you are us. So there is no disconnect here. We are connected at a very deep level and a very knowing level here. So again, we can observe, yes. But we are part of you and you are part of us. And you will find that in the times ahead when you move through your ascension process, when you fully connect with us as well, knowing that connection is there, just as we know the connection is there.
That is how we can answer that at this point. Shoshanna, do you have anything?
Master Shoshanna
Well, we would ask a question of your sister, may we ask?
Yes, please.
Master Shoshanna
Dear sister, what is your question? Why do you ask this question?
Because it is a question that we put so much stock into our physical looks and how we look and everything else. And maybe in the higher realms, you don’t even see us as physical. Maybe you just see us as light, you know, light in different variations, different colors, different mounts. And that was like, it would be ironic how much time and effort we put into what we look like. And maybe we are not even seeing that way.
Master Shoshanna
Well, we will give you our perspective on this, if we may?
Yes please.
Master Shoshanna
We will say that, the perspective and viewpoint of beings that are beyond the 3D realm, see you from the perspective beyond the 3D realm, you see, because we are beyond it. So we see the permanent parts of you, rather than the temporary parts of you.
The physical is very temporary. And the physical is necessary to experience the world that you live in, so that your soul can, excuse me, so that your soul can expand in consciousness.
That is what it is about, you see. But in terms of, do we see your physical? We actually do not pay attention to that portion because it is temporary. What is most important is your frequency, your vibration. And as you call it, your light, you see.
That is what we focus on. And that is what we wish to see you grow in.
Does that make sense to your sister?
Yeah, yeah, it just makes me laugh, because like I said, we put so much into what we look like. what is our weight? what are the defects on our physical form? And really it’s not even important when you get to the higher realm.
So thank you. I appreciate that.
Master Shoshanna
That is true. It is not important.
But it is a program. And you are just participating in the program that is all, namaste.
Master OWS
Very good. Would there be other questions here?
I have a question..
Master OWS
A few weeks ago, I shared the experience of seeing a single file line of light beings walking from my kitchen into my TV room where I was sitting. And I knew what was happening in the moment. I understood it. But my mother was in the middle of that line. And just seeing her caused a lot of emotion. And I started crying.
My question is, did my crying cause them to disappear as soon as they were gone? As soon as I started crying. So my question is, did my crying cause them to leave? Or are they just coming intermittently to present themselves? Or so forth? I have heard the clicking noise that I was here before they let me know over here. But I was just wondering what might have happened had I not gotten upset? Might it had been different?
Master OWS
We will tell you that it is all about vibration. And as your vibration changed, then they would no longer be there with you. If you had kept your vibration at a high level at that point, they would have perhaps stayed longer and been more part of you at that point. Just to know that it is all about vibration. It is the same thing that is a sighting of a UAP; We think they are calling it now rather than UFO, and when there is that sighting, and one is joyful and high vibration as they view this, then this sighting continues on. But if they become fearful, it is gone. You see, it is all about vibration.
Shoshanna, do you have anything?
I actually wasn’t. I was just going to say I wasn’t fearful. It was just an emotional reaction, you know just saying my mother.
Master OWS
Yes, vibration changed.
We will add, we will add a little to this if we may dear sister?
Sure, thank you.
Master Shoshanna
Dear sister, these beings that are of high vibration, as One Who Serves has given, were matching your vibration. So when they showed up, they were matching the vibration you were giving off, you see. Because it is a matter of matching the vibration. As one One Who Serves has given, when the matching no longer takes place, they no longer can be seen. It is not a matter of, did you do something wrong? Did you do something to make them leave? Did you push your crying a way to push them away? It was not, it was just not a match.
Because there is no judgment, you see. These beings do not say, oh, he is having an emotional response, we must leave now. That is not their way, you see. They can only remain in a situation when the vibration remains in a situation. So as One Who Serves has given, your vibration must be the same. And this will occur again as we find it. We find that you will have this experience again, because we find that you are a high vibrational being, namaste
Thank you.
Master OWS
Very good, any other questions here?
I have a question, I have a question, can you hear me?
Master OWS
I just care that president Joe Biden has put in all these pardons for everyone and given things, given awards and things to people that you think, what is that? So I’m wondering, can Trump rescind those pardons? I’m just curious.
Master OWS
We will tell you that it is all part of the show. Just look at it as the continuing of that show. And know that everything is moving exactly as it needs to at this point. So just watch it. Watch it play out. Do not become attached to it. Do not say, oh, why did that one have to do this here? Why did this so-called president pardon these people and so on?
Do not be focused on that. Be focused on the whole thing playing out and reaching a climax, we will say here, in the not too distant future, where all of this will become very understandable to many, many more out there.
Shoshanna, do you want to do anything to you?
Master Shoshanna
Well, we will add here, may we add your sister?
Sure, yes.
Master Shoshanna
We have looked at your, your news reel as we find them. And we find that no one was pardoned, that these were commuted sentences, which means that they are no longer sentenced to death, but they are sentenced to life imprisonment.
So these were not pardons as we find them, if that is what you are speaking about. The rest of this, as one who serves has given, is part of the play, is part of the show. There is always a reason for these things to take place, because there are still people on your planet that must wake up to realities, that must wake up.
So there are things that are happening to shake them awake. And as we find it, many have questioned this move, many have wondered about this move, many who were once loyal to the actor Biden’s administration are pulling back now, because they find the falsehoods. They find the chaos, the confusion, the stupidity of this actor, and by the way, it is working for the White Hats.
And everything that is happening is to move the great awakening forward. There is nothing to truly be concerned about. It is simply to move the great awakening forward, namaste.
Master OWS
Very good. We take one more question, if there is, we do need to release the channel. Is there any further question?
I have a question.
It is a quick one, I hope. It is about the RV, actually. I have a plan in my heart and in my head, and I am having trouble getting it on paper. I was wondering if there is a reason why this is happening, and why I am having such a hard time with this.
Can you help me with that?
Do you have any …, I am having trouble getting the actual plan, writing it down, getting it on paper.
Master Shoshanna
We will answer this for you, my sister, if we may?
Yes, please.
Master Shoshanna
There is, in this realm, a time and a season for everything. And what we find is that when some transactional thing did not occur, it is because the season and the time for it was not yet vibrationally available, you see. So you must be patient, and the time will come when you will find yourself able to; with ease, to write these words down. But you just must be patient, you see. Because it is not yet come to fruition. It is not yet the time for this. Does that make sense, dear sister?
Yes, it does, it does, It feels stuck. It is helpful, thank you
Master Shoshanna
It is not something that you have failed at. Because that vibration that …
Yes because that is how I feel.
Master Shoshanna
Yes, of course. But that vibration that you would put upon yourself would delay your movement forward. It would not speed it up. So if you wish to move forward in consciousness, and we know that you do, the program that has been foisted upon the third dimensional consciousness called programming, must be seen as a program, as a falsehood. There is no such thing, you see.
No such thing, namaste.
Master OWS
Very good, and we are ready to release channel.
Thank you, thank you.
Master OWS
Shoshanna, do you have a part in message?
Master Shoshanna
Well, we will say, based on this last question, we would say that it is extremely important at this juncture for these light being, for these light workers, to make the distinction of programs versus creations, see. That they are living, some are still living within a program that is painful, that is limited, that will cause limitations to succumb to these programs.
So we would ask that each of you begin to recognize the falsehood in these programs and that they are not who you are, and that your higher self and your plan that you put forth before incarnating is unfolding. And it will unfold much faster if you do not find yourself in sconce in the program, you see.
We hope that this helped, namaste.
Master OWS
Very good, and we simply say, keep your eyes in the skies.
Shanti, peace be with you, be the one!.
James and JoAnna McConnell
- james mcconnell, joanna mcconnell, one who serves, ows, shanti, shoshanna,
alliance, ascension, awakening, boots on the ground, breakthrough, changes, crystal pendulum, cloning operations, compression, finish the game, great awakening, greater plan, guidance, higher consciousness, higher self, independence, kara, kara of the pleiades, life itself, lockdowns, love, med-bed, meditate, pleiades, reset, revaluation, saint germain, the cabal, the jouney, the picture, the storm,
- God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
- All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
- My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite than the Zionists.
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