By Pallas Athena from the Karmic Council
Channel: Gabriele Schmitz

Beloved incarnated beings of light, servants of the light!
I AM Pallas Athena, Goddess of Truth, and I have the honor to bring you loving greetings from the members of the Karmic Council in unity with Portia, Goddess of Justice and Opportunity and Speaker of the Karmic Council.
Very few people remember that the Karmic Council gave them permission to incarnate during the most significant time in human history. On a soul level, the moment is very present to you, as is the promise you made to all of us, namely to serve the light with all your strength and to help illuminate and ultimately end the darkest time on this planet with your light. This is the Divine Plan that you carry in your heart. Each of you has been given the ability, the means and the knowledge of the path to fulfill this plan. This is why you have come to Earth once again.
The Karmic Council is the most important and decisive body of the Spiritual Hierarchy for this planet and all its inhabitants. We administer the Cosmic Laws of Life as they affect planet Earth. We serve the Creator unconditionally with all our love and abilities so that HIS plan for this Earth and all life on it and in it is fulfilled as a blessing for the greater whole.
We are in contact with Galactic Councils, know about their plans for the galaxy and for the support of this planet and work together. We see the influx of enormous amounts of energy from the primordial central sun to our sun and its planetary system. It is a great interplay of all the light forces, cosmic constellations and circumstances involved in order to ensure this gigantic shift, the elevation and transformation to ever higher levels that have been planned for this time for eons.
You cannot comprehend all of this with your conditioned mind, but your Higher Self knows the plan. You are multidimensional and only a small part of your being is in your physical body. More and more, this part is awakening to a higher consciousness, which we observe with great joy. The enormous particles of light and energy that reach the planet and each individual contain codes; one could also speak of divine information that reaches your cellular consciousness via your energy system and releases ancient memories and abilities that lead to a greater understanding of your true immortal being.
We are giving you this information and have already given you some timeless messages from the Karmic Council so that you are prepared when you perceive inner impulses more clearly than before and express your multidimensional being more and grow beyond what has gone before.
If you resonate with this message and the vibrational frequency it contains, take up your light service for the world or increase it more consciously. Remember your promise to be a beacon in this time of darkness for those seeking or lost in the worldly matrix. Never forget that everything is within you and ask for the support of the light servants of the Spiritual Hierarchy who are ready to answer every call. We need people with wide open hearts through whom we can work while recognizing free will.
We never force ourselves on you and are happy when you communicate with angelic beings, nature beings, ascended masters, other light beings of the spiritual hierarchy or galactic friends and trust their constructive messages. On our level, only the divine light of love and joy reigns in trusting togetherness and persistent service for everything that is.
For the year 2025, we see great external turbulence in the field of consciousness, social and political upheavals, mass protests and also natural phenomena that will lead to a worldwide wave of awakening. Many people will lose the entrenched ground of old habits beneath their feet, their trust and faith in political, economic, medical and religious systems and their representatives will be lost and they will courageously demand their birthright to freedom, self-determination, peace and prosperity. This is the energy that brings the light-filled change on earth and means the collapse of the dark corrupt systems with their ruthless representatives who are hostile to people and nature.
Never forget:
You are powerful co-creators to whom the Source of all Being has given every power and who has been waiting for eternity for humanity to finally make light and loving use of it! In truth, you are all bearers of light!
Your thoughts and feelings determine your reality. Pay careful attention to them and always be aware of what you are doing so that you get what you really want!
Your body is the temple of your soul. Treat it with care and respect so that your soul can enjoy living in it, as one of your proverbs so aptly says.
Have confidence and trust in the divine, perfect plan that will finally lead you out of the cycle of rebirth and into eternal freedom with us!
Be courageous and strengthen and expand the Divine Spark within you so that it becomes a shining flame of Divine Power, Wisdom and unconditional Love!
You are never alone and never have been. Talk to your guardian angels and your spiritual guides and be assured that your requests and invocations will be heard!
We welcome your requests and petitions to the Karmic Council. We know every soul better than you know yourself!
With boundless love for you,
Pallas Athene
- God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
- All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
- My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.
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