Monday, November 4, 2024

Soul Moments

Soul Moments

By Gillian MacBeth Louthane

November 4, 2024

As we move our attentions and energies out of October and into November we find ourselves stopping at a place of tricks and sugar filled treats, as the veils and doorways of old open to show their under-bellies and intentions in the next 3 months of Fall back.

The very vibration of the Moon itself is ringing like an interplanetary crystal bowl due to the presence of the mini-moon which is creating a strong cadence in the inner ear. Like placing your ear too close to a big speaker, the ringing will continue dissolving auditory blocks that have been artificially created to distort words, echoing thru the inner ear like a pinball wizard. As the Cellular structures within begin to show transparency new understandings are birthed out of chaos and confusion.

A overflowing of the heart allows you to rise above previous emotional tide lines and the sharp finger-pointing barnacles of the past. Set sail into a future-heart that is free of wreckage, free of the past. What is good within you has survived the storms and emotional floods. You are being reformatted in thought and deed, into a place where you can consciously conceive a world that is ‘better than what you prayed for.’

All of your actions of earth act as a centerpiece. You are an intersection of dimensional fluxes. Your choices here on earth influence the outcomes of other dimensions and galactic zones. All avenues of time and space deliver your vibrational message. The next level of attunement that you seek lives within the solar crossings of your light and thoughts. Your spirit stands ready to take you to unmapped territory. Everything stretches itself looking for more of its true identity, as do you. All that you do in upcoming time sequences influences the outcomes of ‘pre-destined’ events. Every negative thought that you have shifts the scales of polarity into a place of shadow. All of life and light sits and awaits your intentions, your actions, and your love. No longer are you at the mercy of others.


Soul moments come when you are least expecting them. They come to the surface like the sweet scent of an orange blossoms on a sunny day. Soul Moments reveal the places in time where the real you escaped the psdeuo-you. In the soul moments a great cellular healing happens for each and every person that you connect your heart with in a place of purity, purpose, and intent. Replaying and Remembering the times of great laughter, sharing with those we love and what we love. Remembering times when we felt free in our own home and thoughts and actions.

A soul moment is like cosmic parentheses in time, it enhances what lives within. As Time begins to slowly erase herself to a place of nonexistence we come to a precipice within our heart and soul that says we need To share what is good within and spread it over the ‘sticky -crunchiness of life’ letting it adhere to the roof of our soul. We need to remember the goodness that is Earth. Even though some days it does not look like it, we are holy and wholly protected throughout time as a living light and representative of the Universe. This coming energy between now and New Year’s will bring us all to a sharp point of awareness as we enter a place of interdimensional accumulation of recollection. Share your inner light with everyone and anyone giving them a much needed infusion of Kindness, Hope and a much needed smile, showing them kindness is alive and well and living on planet earth.

Gillian MacBeth Louthane 

Compiled by from: 
Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?


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