Friday, November 1, 2024

Proton Bombardment

Proton Bombardment

By Dr Schavi M Ali

Posted on October 31, 2024

For many weeks there have been strong (“M-Class”) to powerful (“X-Class”) solar flares and coronal mass ejections soaring either just past or directly into planet Earth.

Further cosmic energetics have been positively-charging, penetrating, altering protons zooming through the planetary magnetosphere (the protective shield which has become depleted over time) and into Earth.

Comets such as “Tsuchchinshan” and “Atlas 1” have glided along, and also, planets have had particular degrees and geometrical angles to each other and have affected Earth and its inhabitants.

All of these cosmic energetics have/and still are playing their “tunes” in the “Cosmic Orchestra”.

Today, Tuesday, 10/29/2024, is yet another day of the “concert”. Protons are bombarding Earth at this time, and solar winds traveling at approximately 491 km/s are assisting in their surges.

To quote a NASA official: “Protons are raining down on the Earth”.

There are also huge sunspots building with the potential for more intense flares and CMEs.

Although our Sun also gives-off protons as well as negatively-charging electrons, the protons from outside of our solar system are more prolific than the electrons at this current time. In essence, Earth is in the midst of a proton storm.

This is not surprising, however, because recent reports are that for about the next two weeks, cosmic events will be continuously potent, and throughout the remainder of 2024 and into 2025, there will be tremendous geomagnetic (radiation) storms.

Physiological, emotional, and mental symptoms of these events have been listed many times.

Certain words like “clearing”, “cleansing”, and “illumination” should be locked into everyone’s consciousness by now.

For those who are new to these types of teachings, please read the previous articles that have been written over several years for this website — “Disclosure News Italia”.

For those who have been studying these teachings for quite some time, remember that review is a way in which to anchor with important knowledge.

Therefore, veteran readers are also urged to re-read various articles. It will be like receiving a tuition-free course on “Spiritual Astro-Physics”.

The current blast of protons has tremendously activated the global planetary vibrational frequency and amplitude — the “Global Schumann Resonance (SR)”.

There have been black-outs on sophisticated scientific technological equipment in many places as well as problems with the daily devices used by most people such as cell phones, lap tops, and other kinds of computer systems.

Some of these problems have been mere minor glitches and some have been major issues. In places where the “Regional Schumann Resonance” has been very activated due to challenging weather patterns, technological problems may be more prevalent.

However, the “Global Schumann Resonance” has been and will continue to be intense registering on the Tomsk, Russia chart in the double digits and possibly in triple digits in the near future as it has been in past years.

The “normal” SR since ancient times has been “7.83” to “8.8” cycles per second using modern-day geological calculating techniques, and these digits have been reported by ancient “Rishis” (“Sages”) in the Sanskrit language who were not just those persons who taught DIVINE PRINCIPLES, but they were also what we would refer to today as “Astro-Physicists”, “Chemists”, “Biologists”, and other kinds of scientists.

However, they always brought a spiritual dynamic to their knowledge — something that most current scientists do not do.

In fact, most conventional scientists question the existence of DIVINITY or a DIVINE INTELLIGENCE. The wise scientists have consulted ancient texts and realize that a SACRED SOURCE is at work in every aspect of creation.

Sometimes they are scoffed at by their colleagues, and sometimes their colleagues — although unsure — are willing to research ancient information.

As the New Moon makes its way to arrival on November 1st at 8:47 AM (EDT), cosmic events will escalate.

Because, as has been discussed previously, cosmic energies are types of life force — consciousness.

With the USA Presidential election reaching its final phase on Tuesday, November 5th, human levels of consciousness comprised of the vibrational atoms and subatomic particles of thought, feeling, words, and actions may create a strong to powerful further surge of cosmic events — a wave of LIGHT ( unseen but felt on numerous levels) that will be necessary to awaken more of the masses to what needs to occur in order to bring peace and healing to planet Earth. Many people who have a spiritual science orientation are calling these times “unprecedented”, but this is inaccurate.

Such times as these have been experienced by mankind in earlier eras.

This is what constitutes the spiraling up and down of the “Yugas” (“Ages”) of which there are four: SATTVA YUGA (all of humanity is righteous and the Earth and all of the solar system is at peace and enjoys abundance and perfect health); TRETA YUGA (there is a beginning of misuse of free will, and only 3/4 of all humanity are righteous); DWARPA YUGA (only 1/2 are righteous); KALI YUGA (only 1/4 are righteous).

As has been discussed many other times, we are approaching an upwards cycle of time to another DWARPA YUGA by next year because — although it may not seem so — an increasing percentage of humanity is questioning and studying.

How long DWARPA YUGA will last before we move into TRETA YUGA no one truly knows except those who are highly intuitive Mystics.

However, know that these current times are not the “New Golden Age” yet as so many people are claiming.

The “Age of Aquarius” is not the same as the “Golden Age”. The “Age of Aquarius” is a time when a large percentage of humanity, as mentioned above, will awaken, and this is when Pluto which is now at its critical 29th degree in Capricorn moves into Aquarius on November 19th (the 20th in some time zones) for its twenty-year transit, and thus, until 2044.

Aquarius governs revolutionary ideas, rebellion, group cohesiveness, advances in technology (good ones, not those which are unwise to pursue), humanistic appreciation, and sudden revelations.

All of the other “Yugas” which have been traversed throughout the space/time continuum must be traveled through again. Remember, time is a spiral. It is not linear.

There are ups and downs in consciousness in each “Yuga” due to how free will is used.

Continue with prayer and meditation as well as with natural modalities for being stable and balanced in the elevated waves of cosmic energetics.

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My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Main Sites:

Social Media:

Google deleted my former blogs just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report,
 accusing me of posting child pornography.
(A Big Fat Lie) Also on Sep/13, 2024

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