Saturday, January 4, 2025

Already Fully Present Within You

Already Fully Present Within You

By Steve Beckow

Posted on January 4, 2025

I’m inspired by what the Arcturian Group said a month ago:

“Many are still questioning, hesitant to leave that which is familiar and continues to influence the decisions and beliefs of everyone on earth. This is especially true of the religious programming that has built up in most over thousands of years and many lifetimes. Prayer, rites, rituals, metaphysical tools, and church going are part of almost every spiritual seeker’s journey because it is a learning process.

“It is fine to engage in the spiritual traditions you love and enjoy but do not endow them with a power they do not have. Crystals, oils, ceremonies, books, classes table work, church, etc. can (not always) hold energies that can lift and expand personal energy but they cannot give you anything more than that which is already fully present within you.” (1)

“They cannot give you anything more than that which is already fully present within you.”

After having briefly experienced the state of consciousness I called “absolute trust” and after reflecting on it, I think we’ll find we already know this state, “which is already fully present within you,” and will recognize it when it returns to the forefront of conscious awareness.

Meanwhile I think we all can remember moments in our lives when deep trust was born towards another. I can remember when my trust was born towards Kennedy, Obama (oh my…), and Churchill (warts and all). But we can remember how good it felt.

As you can see, it doesn’t mean I always make the best choices. But I do remember the feeling of the birth of trust in that personality, however they were or turned out. How uplifted I felt.

Now multiply that by an order of magnitude. Now we’ve reached the level of certainty. We feel convinced of the rightness or goodness of something, but remain open to persuasion otherwise.

Now multiply it by another order of magnitude and we’ve reached the outskirts of absolute trust. Absolute trust itself, as an attained state and not just a flyby, is, I’d imagine, a very advanced state whose contours I would not be able to describe.

Over time the limited experience I had of it will fade from memory, with only the written record then to go by. As Werner Erhard said, our lot at this stage is to get it, lose it, get it, lose it. Until Ascension. (2)


On the matter of advanced states, I’m reduced to speculating. What drives me to speculate?

Because, as you know, I was given a vision in 1987, of the total life cycle of an individual soul, from God to God. It might work best to read Chapter 13 of The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment to get the context of what follows. That chapter describes the vision itself. (3)

And since then I’ve always been interested (or bitten by the longing for liberation) (4) to know more about the stages that lie beyond where I am in the realm of matter (mater, Mother).

Leaving aside the fact that none of us were unascended prior to incarnating and following the human script as if it were indeed actual, my attention is on the time in the vision immediately before the small golden star left the coils (lifetimes in matter) and flew back to the Father.

The picture that I have in my mind, which is the leftover from the vision, constitutes the map for me. And what you see me doing, viewed from one angle, is working with Michael and the Company of Heaven to go through the stages of enlightenment I saw in my vision, publicly, I imagine for the reassurance it generates: “Jump in! The water’s warm!”

I’ve also been asked by the Lord Arcturus to experience the dimensions higher than the seventh or ninth and report back so that people can know that Ascension is endless. Don’t stop advancing. (5)


One last research note. Here’s another way of describing what the precipitate of this last experience is. It has left me feeling as I have more ballast, am more grounded and balanced.

I said some time ago that I was at last standing flat and square on my feet, rather than always wobbling. That reflected an inner change that was a surprise to me. The word that comes up around that expansion is “substantiality.”

An example of another breakthrough moment would be when Constant Comment suddenly dropped away from me. The word there is “peace.”

Well, now, this latest experience has again impacted how I experience life and interact with others. I’m no longer as superficial as I was before, something I always puzzled over. I wondered how I’d be able to address it. I now see: With a little help from the guys and gals in the rafters.

Why am I going into detail in describing this? Because, if you’re like me, you ask yourself, “How is Mrs X’s little one, YYY going to do this very large task?” What’s happening with me, which some of you have been watching over time, demonstrates how Mrs. Beckow’s youngest son, Stephen, is going to emerge from his shell ready to do large things: Our guides in concert with our Higher Self will give us the spiritual experiences we need – and material resources if we’re that way inclined – to handle the tasks assigned to us. I’m in deep trust on that one.

I’m a living example of it.  As we near the time of our larger missions starting up, I feel ready, willing, but above all, able. And it’s been because of the series of spiritual experiences which I’ve described to you here – and here (6) – that I feel able.

If I were a lightholder or seeker after enlightenment, I would give less importance and prominence to spiritual experiences. But, as a lightworker, they are the primary source of equipping me with the balance, patience, and maturity I’m going to need to be doing all I’ve agreed to do.


(1) Arcturian Group, Dec. 8, 2024, at

(2) We can visit the higher dimensions via spiritual experiences. But only after our Ascension can we remain there. See Gateway to Higher Dimensionality Vol. 1: Introduction to Ascension at

Regarding what we’ll find there which all the hoopla is about, see Love Like We Never Imagined It to Be at

(3) At

(4) See On The Longing for Liberation at

(5) Lord Arcturus: Now, you have come [from Arcturus] to a planet in this and in other lifetimes to assist – yes, through communication, through clarity – with the progression of the planet through the elimination of the old third … to the seventh so that the planetary system will reside in a level of higher consciousness, Christed consciousness as you think of it.

[The Seventh Dimension is said to be the plane of Christ consciousness.]

Now in order to do that, it is highly beneficial … that you would have, not only the intelligence but the perspective of the higher dimensions (it is not a hierarchy but it is different). …

Because it is very important that humanity realize, as they are in their unfoldment to a grander plan, that the seventh dimension is not the end of the road, not the be all and end all.

And, so, some of the perspective, the experience, the knowing, the intelligence of different dimensionality is highly beneficial [for you] in helping them move into that higher-dimensional anchoring.  (Lord Arcturus in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, June 12, 2019.)

It just occurred to me that Michael put the same assignment in a different way:

Steve: Can you help me make sense of returning to my interdimensionality while not becoming a guru figure?

Archangel Michael: It is very simple, visit don’t stay.  So what you are doing, you are pulling into the 5th – into what you think of as your reality – the qualities of mastery [11th] without setting yourself apart from the masses.

You are … teaching others that they can access the mastery [11th] and still be in the Christ Consciousness [7th], in the expanded awareness in the physical form [4th] and in the love [5th and higher].  (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, May 6, 2013.)

This then is the rationale behind the spiritual experiences I’ve been having.

(6) See:

Steve Beckow

Is Humanity Shifting to 5D?

Is Humanity Shifting to 5D?

Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters

Channel: Daniel Scranton

Posted on January 4, 2025

Credits: Reddit

Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.

You are awakening more and more every day, both individually and collectively, and if you are open to seeing the rising consciousness out there in humanity, you definitely will find it. It is important to realize that you do find what you are looking for, eventually, and that is true because you sometimes put blinders on to everything else, and sometimes those blinders serve you and sometimes they do not. But if you are going out there looking for evidence that humanity is evolving and shifting its consciousness collectively, then the blinders do serve you. If you want to go looking for problems out there in the world, or within yourself, you can find them. And you can continually find things to fix, either out there or inside of you.

But when you realize that you do not have to fix anything, then you can live more beautifully and joyously in the present moment with that which you deem to be perfect about yourself, about humanity, and about Earth and the Earth experience. Again, if you spend all of your time trying to create a perfect planet, a perfect personality, and to surround yourself with perfect people, then that will become a lifelong endeavor. If instead you make the promise to yourself that you are going to enjoy your life as it is, yourself as you are, and look for the best in everyone else, then that can become your lifelong endeavor, and we guarantee you that you will have more fun and more satisfaction approaching your life in that way.

Now, will there be things that you discover along the way that you want to work on? Absolutely. There are people who take great joy in fixing things, and it is good for you to know that you are a work in progress and that you will always be in a state of spiritual evolution, because it is nice to know that the process will continue to unfold and unfold naturally. And you can take part in it consciously, but you don’t have to have at the top of your Things-To-Do-Today list: ‘Fix Everything That’s Wrong With Me,’ and then on line number two put: ‘And Then Start Working on Everyone Else.’ That’s going about life the hard way.

If this were all about just getting home to Source and then staying there, you would have done it a long time ago. You would have chosen the fast, easy, lubricated path. Instead, you wanted to give yourselves all the twists and turns on the road that you are on, so that you could show yourselves how it is possible to love under these conditions and how it is possible to experience joy under these conditions.

And then you get to know what it is like to be Source, and Source is always looking at everything and everyone as if we are all perfect just as we are. Know that you can do the same, and when you do, you align with the truth of who you are as Source Energy. And when you cross things off of your Things-To-Do-Today list, you feel lighter. You feel instantly at peace, and then you can approach your life with the attitude of, ‘I’ll wait for something to inspire me, and then I’ll do that.’ And that is the approach to life, that we, the collective of ascended masters, recommend.

That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.
Daniel Scranton

A Natural Way

 A Natural Way

The Creator Writings

Channel: Jennifer Farley

Posted on January 4, 2025

In an instant world where everything is available at your fingertips, your awakening may seem like the longest process you have ever experienced. 

It can be frustrating to begin with a huge burst of understanding then slow to a snail’s pace. 

The Universe is reminding you that it will only give you as much as you can handle at one time. Be patient, dear one… allow your growth & learning to unfold in a natural way. 

You will never be disappointed. 

The Creator

Rebirth of the Divine Human

Rebirth of the Divine Human

By KejRaj (KayRy)


Posted on January 4, 2025

Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj!

The matrix reached its expiration date in 2012.

Since then, all of its structures have been on a gradual downward spiral. And now the collapse is accelerating.

Nothing is going to stop this shift. Nothing is going to save the old ways of the system.

You are in the times of transcendence.

In religious terms, the Rapture.

The Resurrection or rebirth of the Divine human is taking place.

You are entering a new realm of existence, and the next stage of evolution without going through the ‘death’ process. This is ascension. This is the Second Coming of the Chrystalline(Christ) Consciousness being born via the heart portal of the human being.

Be kind, be loving, be open to expansion, and trust in the Divine. Feel the shift within, and without, and understand that for you the game of duality has come to an end. You are transcending the illusions, and returning home, to love, to oneness, to the Divine way of being.

All the light to you!


The greatest change is upon us

The greatest change is upon us

By Peter B Meyer

Posted on January 4, 2025

The world is on the brink of permanent peace.

The year 2025 brings our liberation from debt bondage. Behind the scenes we are already well on our way. Trust the PLAN,

Q keeps saying;

We have all the information.

Our Galactic Alliance has had the luxury of waiting for the perfect moment to deliver the death blow to the Deep State. The final decision will be made by Father/Mother GOD.

No wonder the Cabal is in a complete panic. The world is on the brink of permanent peace. This is an achievement of the highest order, created by patriots with the help of our extraterrestrial brothers and sisters.

All foreign military forces and war materiel are returning to their home bases. It is all over for the cabal. Everyone can look forward to a prosperous and healthy future. Very soon we will truly live as free inhabitants of planet Earth, evolving as our Creator always intended.

The widespread panic that has been witnessed is definitely not what the central bank bureaucrats were expecting. After the second and third largest bank failures in history a few weeks ago, an unprecedented rescue plan was unveiled to end the banking panic.

When interest rates inevitably rise from their artificially suppressed levels, bond and stock markets will collapse, as will property markets. Pension funds will be wiped out. This is a very bad situation; the world itself is sinking deeper and deeper.

Expect the stock market to fall like a house of cards. The key is to systematically bring down the old financial system. Once 
the stock market has fallen to a certain point, the gold/asset standard will be introduced as a worldwide solution.

The introduction of the gold/asset standard and the RV will happen simultaneously to pave the way for the introduction of the new financial QFS system.

So the world is heading for a major sovereign debt crisis that will rock many markets. Wake up, read the headlines and see a new panic among banks …. In other words, it will be ‘too big to fail’.

The widespread panic we are seeing is certainly not what the bureaucrats at the Federal Reserve had in mind. After the second largest bank collapse in US history and the third largest bank collapse in US history a few days later.

It has become a major sovereign debt crisis, not yet seen, more details are on the official website of the Federal Reserve. A total banking crisis is unfolding in the world, which is proof that more is coming our way.

The Absolute Father, who loves you immeasurably, speaks to you.

Humanity is the driving force for all awakening souls, for you have the power to accelerate the transition. The reason for this is that in the year 2025 the geopolitical situation in the world will change drastically.

As a result of the change of power on 20 January next, in the United States of America, all the plans of the Deep State will begin to collapse like a house of cards.

The strong intention of the embodied forces of light to preserve humanity as a species will be the driving force for all awakened souls on Earth.

You can already see how many people are no longer afraid to speak the truth, how quickly the puppets of the Deep State ‘change shoes’ on the fly, how afraid they are of the coming revelations of their criminal acts.

So the powerful wave of energy that is now coming to Earth will be accompanied by a wave of information that will bring the truth to the people and tear off the masks of the hypocritical and cynical world “leaders” whose policies have led the people into the abyss.

All this will contribute to the rapid awakening of millions of people on your planet.

In order for this to happen as quickly as possible, you should combine your energy work with the manifestation of your clear and unambiguous intent on the physical plane as well. Here’s how you can do this.

Try to keep track of every new piece of information about the crimes of the deep state so that you can pass it on to the people around you.

It is very important to do this in such a way as not to frighten the person, which will only lower their vibrations and therefore their spiritual potential, but to give them a sense of liberation from the danger that threatened them.

In other words, any news, even the most tragic, should be linked to the changes that are taking place on Earth, opening up the prospect of a new, happy life for each person, rather than focusing attention on past painful events.

In this way, not only your own intention to free yourself from the bondage of the three-dimensional world, but also the intention of those around you who have seen the prospects of their new happy existence, will give a powerful impetus to the coming changes in all areas of your life.

The unity you have dreamed of will come.

And it will be unity not in fear and submission, but in the liberation of the consciousness of millions of people from the darkness of the three-dimensional world, in their desire to build a new life on the earth of the Fifth Dimension.

And for this I bless you!

Peter B Meyer

Defining Your Personal Qualities

Defining Your Personal Qualities

Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst

Channel: Linda Robinson

Posted on January 4, 2025


Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangels Amethyst and Zadkiel, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss defining your personal qualities.

Your personal qualities define who you are. They are the way you see yourself, the way you present yourself to the world, and the way others see you.

Your qualities are your center and stability. They allow you to remain focused no matter what the circumstances are around you.

Selecting the qualities you wish to embody allows you the opportunity to be who you want to be.

These qualities can transcend your current incarnation and be carried with you to the higher dimensions.

This allows you much latitude to define who you want to be.

There are many qualities to consider.

Embracing Oneness is a quality that links you with All That Is and all parts of Creation. The quality of knowing you are part of the Oneness reflects the origin of each Soul. All of Creation is part of the Oneness.

An Overlighting quality of the Oneness is Divine Love. This reflects who you are at your core. It is a recognition that you are part of All That Is. It is a feeling of connecting with all parts of Creation. It acknowledges that you want the best and highest good for all Beings and that you are part of the Eternal Whole and the Oneness.

When you embrace Divine Love as an integral aspect of your Being, this vibration permeates all parts of your energy field. It encompasses every cell and organ system to work in harmony for highest good and to radiate Divine Love wherever you are. It overlights all of your other qualities.

A closely related quality is having compassion and treating others the way you would like to be treated. Having compassion shows that you understand someone’s circumstances even if you do not agree with their actions. You have an understanding that an individual’s situation has many aspects. They may be in a learning situation that is unique to them. Showing compassion and sending them Divine Love can be very helpful as they are navigating their path.

Because you are secure in who you are, you are able to show compassion. It does not compromise your qualities or your values. It is simply a recognition of what they are experiencing.

This allows you to express kindness to those around you. You recognize that each Being likes to be acknowledged. Daily acts of kindness reinforce this. You may smile at someone, hold the door open for them, or let them go ahead of you in line. When you do this with a loving heart, the vibration you send rises even higher.

There are many other qualities from which to select.

Deciding which qualities you wish to embody is a personal decision. You may want to go into your heart center as you consider which ones feel right for you. Consider whether your energy feels open and expansive, or whether it feels contracted and restrictive as you focus on each quality. These are indicators of how a quality will be for you.

Because you are constantly evolving, the qualities you wish to embody may also evolve. A periodic review of them will allow you to be current with who you are.

Remaining open to new possibilities can enhance the process. You may have a new awareness of earlier concepts that will lead you to a higher understanding.

Beloveds, we are happy that you are defining your personal qualities.

We are always here to work with you when you call on us.

Know that you are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangels Amethyst and Zadkiel,

…and WE surround you with Love.

And so it is.


The Sacredness of You

The Sacredness of You

Archangel Metatron

Channel: Lee Degani

Posted on January 4, 2025

Greetings, I am Metatron, holder of the sacred cube, holder of the sacredness of you.

You don’t often see yourself as such but I see you for who you are.

There are times that you call out and you wonder how you can go on. You wonder how others can go on. But you have the power within and I bring you that reminder this eve or perhaps this morning or perhaps in any time that you may walk the earth as I did and walk in a higher space.

I am known as the scribe so I bring to you my sacred quill pen that you may now form and write what it is you are asking for.

There is a reason why things are written and you can write it upon your heart, you can write it on the parchment paper. You can write it in the air, you can write it in the sand. But take the time now to set your intentions. I already know what is in your heart. But for us to be true partners, I ask you to bring them to me now.

Now I am also known in addition to holder of the sacred cube, which we have formed with you, that I also oversee the Tree of Life.

Now there are many trees but within each one of your sacred essences, there is also a tree, a Tree of Life that we call it, that forms your energetic body, your light body and it comes in columns.

It comes with the left column and the right column and the middle column. And those columns are meant to work together and to come together as one braid.

You have seen many times the twisted braids, have you not? Braids of your DNA and the braids that are shown in kinds of breads and baked delicacies. It is a reminder for you that you always have the power to bring these three columns together.

And how do you do that? By believing that you can walk in the higher vibrations, that you are never alone and that the Light that you are that comes streaming down when you call to it will come and bring these three columns together.

So let us now call that Light and let it come down now.

Let it come down through the right side of your sacred essence and now let it come down through the left, the sacred essence. Let it come down now through the middle and let these three columns filled with Light begin to form the braid.

Now in this space, you are more powerful than you even know. You are as powerful as you think we are. Now with this Light and this coming together of these sacred parts of yourself, you may change everything.

So now I leave you and I remind you of the quill that I have given you that you may write on this braid what it is that you wish to change. What it is you wish to bring forth, what it is you are ready for.

Farewell. I am always here.

Love, Lee Degani

At the Turn of the Era

At the Turn of the Era

By Pallas Athena from the Karmic Council

Channel: Gabriele Schmitz

Posted on January 4, 2025

Beloved incarnated beings of light, servants of the light!

I AM Pallas Athena, Goddess of Truth, and I have the honor to bring you loving greetings from the members of the Karmic Council in unity with Portia, Goddess of Justice and Opportunity and Speaker of the Karmic Council.

Very few people remember that the Karmic Council gave them permission to incarnate during the most significant time in human history. On a soul level, the moment is very present to you, as is the promise you made to all of us, namely to serve the light with all your strength and to help illuminate and ultimately end the darkest time on this planet with your light. This is the Divine Plan that you carry in your heart. Each of you has been given the ability, the means and the knowledge of the path to fulfill this plan. This is why you have come to Earth once again.

The Karmic Council is the most important and decisive body of the Spiritual Hierarchy for this planet and all its inhabitants. We administer the Cosmic Laws of Life as they affect planet Earth. We serve the Creator unconditionally with all our love and abilities so that HIS plan for this Earth and all life on it and in it is fulfilled as a blessing for the greater whole.

We are in contact with Galactic Councils, know about their plans for the galaxy and for the support of this planet and work together. We see the influx of enormous amounts of energy from the primordial central sun to our sun and its planetary system. It is a great interplay of all the light forces, cosmic constellations and circumstances involved in order to ensure this gigantic shift, the elevation and transformation to ever higher levels that have been planned for this time for eons.

You cannot comprehend all of this with your conditioned mind, but your Higher Self knows the plan. You are multidimensional and only a small part of your being is in your physical body. More and more, this part is awakening to a higher consciousness, which we observe with great joy. The enormous particles of light and energy that reach the planet and each individual contain codes; one could also speak of divine information that reaches your cellular consciousness via your energy system and releases ancient memories and abilities that lead to a greater understanding of your true immortal being.

We are giving you this information and have already given you some timeless messages from the Karmic Council so that you are prepared when you perceive inner impulses more clearly than before and express your multidimensional being more and grow beyond what has gone before.

If you resonate with this message and the vibrational frequency it contains, take up your light service for the world or increase it more consciously. Remember your promise to be a beacon in this time of darkness for those seeking or lost in the worldly matrix. Never forget that everything is within you and ask for the support of the light servants of the Spiritual Hierarchy who are ready to answer every call. We need people with wide open hearts through whom we can work while recognizing free will.

We never force ourselves on you and are happy when you communicate with angelic beings, nature beings, ascended masters, other light beings of the spiritual hierarchy or galactic friends and trust their constructive messages. On our level, only the divine light of love and joy reigns in trusting togetherness and persistent service for everything that is.

For the year 2025, we see great external turbulence in the field of consciousness, social and political upheavals, mass protests and also natural phenomena that will lead to a worldwide wave of awakening. Many people will lose the entrenched ground of old habits beneath their feet, their trust and faith in political, economic, medical and religious systems and their representatives will be lost and they will courageously demand their birthright to freedom, self-determination, peace and prosperity. This is the energy that brings the light-filled change on earth and means the collapse of the dark corrupt systems with their ruthless representatives who are hostile to people and nature.

Never forget:

You are powerful co-creators to whom the Source of all Being has given every power and who has been waiting for eternity for humanity to finally make light and loving use of it! In truth, you are all bearers of light!

Your thoughts and feelings determine your reality. Pay careful attention to them and always be aware of what you are doing so that you get what you really want!

Your body is the temple of your soul. Treat it with care and respect so that your soul can enjoy living in it, as one of your proverbs so aptly says.

Have confidence and trust in the divine, perfect plan that will finally lead you out of the cycle of rebirth and into eternal freedom with us!

Be courageous and strengthen and expand the Divine Spark within you so that it becomes a shining flame of Divine Power, Wisdom and unconditional Love!

You are never alone and never have been. Talk to your guardian angels and your spiritual guides and be assured that your requests and invocations will be heard!

We welcome your requests and petitions to the Karmic Council. We know every soul better than you know yourself!

With boundless love for you,

Pallas Athene