The Energies are Amping up to Unprecedented Heights
By Judith Kusel
Posted on March 10, 2025
“The Energies are amping up to unprecedented heights:
I was asked to go to a certain place this weekend, and when I got to this place, a very sacred, power place, linking to the Crystal Pyramids, the Crystalline Energy Grids, the Lightning Rod, the Tuning Fork, and the Winged Rod of Power of planet Earth, I was amazed at how the energies fields had amped up, since I last visited there!
I was also shown what it is that is causing this, and how this is indeed now pushing the entire energy systems into the seventh to ninth dimensional frequency band, of the first creation, Elysium, and the Lion Kingdom!
I was shown what is awakening, and what is awakening at fully throttle, is what has been purposefully closed off, and shut down, when Elysium and the Lion Kingdom, (linking later Avalon, Lemuria, and Mu – all 7th dimensional), and now being awakened again!
In being shown how the pyramids were pulsating with energy, for such extremely high power, and how the New Earth was literally becoming AS ONE with the original 7th Dimensional power pyramids and grids of the Old Earth, it was lifting the whole into a much higher vibrational frequency band, which is way off the charts of anything we are experienced before.
Today I was asked to go back again, there, and the energies were even higher, and I was shown even more. I was tuning into a vast pyramid complex which were so incredibly beautiful, and aquamarine with silver! I was told these have been fully activated again, and were programmed to do so, with the advent of the New Earth, New Golden Age, and the Age of Aquarius! There was far more there which I was witnessing and working with, but words fail.
This is so powerful, and so incredibly high technology, way beyond anything known here on earth, that I was told that with the energy released from the Sun Flares, and the 7th Central Sun of Illumination, plus the Pyramids on Sirius, into which these are all plugged in, (as in the beginning), the split between the old and new will become a complete splitting apart!
It means that souls will shift now into much higher dimensional frequency bands, each one to the degree they can handle this.
Some will simply not be able to handle it, and some will choose to remain in the Old Earth and will disintegrate with her. This does not mean that they cannot wake up – of course they can anytime they choose. Not one soul is ever lost, as my higher guides always tell me, they will eventually just go to a newborn planet and then will need to go through the whole evolutionary process again.
Every soul is divine in truth. Some just choose to experience the deepest darkness, and that is their own free will choice.
In truth, every soul, at the core, is pure Divine Light, Love and Power.
I am finding this incredibly exciting for it means that for the first time ever, we have the opportunity to now allow ourselves to be totally transfigured into the highest soul self, the truth of who and what we are in truth, and be rejuvenated, regenerated, and newly born, into our new Solar Crystalline Light bodies, so that we can anchor in the new Golden Age, with love, through love and in unity and harmony. Always working together to the highest good of all.
I was shown the communities of Light coming together, working together, as we finally transcend the divisions, the duality and separation WITHIN us, so that we in wholeness we can all be whole again.
Yes, the Rainbow Tribes are gathering and the New Rainbow 7th Root Race for the New Earth and New Golden Age.
What I witness today and what I was shown I cannot yet find words for, but I will share this as soon as I can do so.
How immensely blessed we are, to be here to be able to not only experience all of this, but also to be able to ascend into the New Golden Age!
What Joy and what celebration galactically, universally, and multi-universally!
We are transforming, transmuting, transfiguring at the highest degrees!
My notes: - God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
- All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
- My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite than the Zionists [fake Jews].
Reminder discernment is recommendedfrom the heart, not from the mind The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. TRUTH need no protection. Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?
Main Sites:
- God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
- All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
- My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite than the Zionists [fake Jews].
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